SFHEA (Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy-Advance HE/UK), and communication professor at Istanbul Beykent University, and emeritus professor of communication at Istanbul University. I graduated from the Middle East Technical University in 1979, and received my first MA in Ankara University Faculty of Political Science in 1982 and his second MA in 1985 in Communications from the University of Pennsylvania—the Annenberg School for Communications; Ph.D. in 1987 from Ankara University. He lectured at Bogazici University, Ankara University, Gazi University and Marmara University. I am one of three founders of Beykent University in 1993, when it started as Istanbul campus of Liverpool John Moors University. I worked with George Gerbner when attending the Annenberg School for Communications at the University of Pennsylvania on media cultivation and television effects. I attended twice Dubrovnik Inter-University Center Seminars directed by Jürgen Habermas and Albrecht Wellmer (1982-83).
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